The broad
aims are to enable students to:
1. develop
interest, motivation and a sense of achievement in their study of physics.
2. develop an
appreciation of the nature of physics, the historical and current development
in physics.
3. understand
the fundamental principles and concepts of physics and its methodology.
4. develop an
awareness of the relevance of physics to their daily life.
5. acquire
the basic scientific knowledge and concepts for living in and contributing to a
scientific and technological world.
6. recognize
the usefulness and limitations of science and the interactions between science,
technology and society.
7. develop an
attitude of responsible citizenship, including respect for the environment and
commitment to the wise use of resources.
8. develop
the ability to describe and explain concepts, principles, systems, process and
applications related to physics using appropriate terminologies.
9. develop
skills relevant to the application of physics, such as scientific
investigation, experimental technique, problem solving, collaboration,
communication, mathematical analysis, information searching and processing,
analytical and critical thinking and self-learning.
10. develop positive
values and attitudes towards physics, themselves and others through the study
of physics.
11. carry out further
studies and embark upon careers in fields related to physics.
12. recognize the role of
the applications of physics in the fields of science, engineering and