5) Difference of job nature in commercial, financial and managerial accountant


What is the difference of job nature in commercial, financial and managerial accountant?


Commercial 可以有好多範疇 ...

我就係 MNC 做過 financial accounting / management accounting / system

implementation & support


Financial accounting 比較 rountine , 如果係大公司多數會分細 team ,

AR(Credit control)/AP(Cash management)/FA/GL, etc

可能會淨係主要學到一範 , 雖然多數都會有 job rotation. 如果做 group companies, 就要勁 consolidation.


Management accounting 主要做 budget, forecast, planning, profitability analysis, costing, cost control, feasibility study, cash flow 等等 , 做既野

係要對個 business  operations 熟悉 , financial accounting value added.


System implementation 例如上 ERP system SAP/Oracle/Peoplesoft , 又或者做system integration , system upgrade etc ... 上左個 system 又要 monitor maintenance ...


另外仲有 taxation, treasury, internal audit, compliance 之類 .. 同埋好多 ad hoc