9) 關於depreciation policy



有陣時見到一d題目計depreciation, 會有以下的規定

"A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of acquisition, but no

depreciation is charged in the year of disposal"



假設一間公司在9381號買左一部machine, 如果間公司在96531號係year end, 咁部machine9381號至94531號係咪當一年的depreciation, 94年的61號至96531號係咪當2年的depreciation?


如果間公司在9681disposemachine, machine係咪都係當3年的depreciation?(因為9661號至9681號係within year of disposal)


如果間公司在94年的21disposemachine,因為部machine9381號買,用唔夠一年, 咁根據

"A full year's depreciation is charged in the year of acquisition, but no depreciation is charged in the year of disposal"的規定下, machine當唔當有 一年的depreciation?