Online Reading Quiz (3)
Title: Myth & Legends
Author: Anthony Horowitz
Publisher: F HOR
Isis and Osiris
- Who was Osiris?
- What was the relationship between Osiris and Ra?
- What was the name of Osiris¡¦s wife?
- What did Osiris teach the man?
- What was the name of Osiris¡¦s son?
- Where did Osiris want to go after leaving Egypt?
- Who looked after Egypt when Osiris left?
- Who was Set?
- How many ¡¥guests¡¦ were there in Set¡¦s palace?
- What had happened to the fourteenth piece of Osiris?
- Who killed Set and how?
The Judgement of Paris
- Who was Zeus?
- How long did the Trojan War last?
- Who was Hera?
- Who wasn¡¦t invited to the wedding?
- Why did no one want Eris/her(Q15) to come?
- What three words were cut into the gold surface of the apple?
- Who was the judge to decide who the golden apple belonged to?
- Who was Paris?
- What did Agelaus send to Priam?