Online Reading Quiz (6)

Title: The Muppets ”V The Morie Junior Novel
Author: Katherine Turner
Publisher: Little, Brown And Company

    1. What are Walter”¦s bedroom walls covered in?

    2. What is Walter”¦s only goal in life?

    3. Why does Walter fell sad when he stands in front of the Muppet Studios? (p.15)

    4. Where does Kermit live?

    5. What is the only way to save Muppet Studios? How can they do that?

    6. Why can”¦t Kermit find work for the Muppets?

    7. What has been worn under Gonzo”¦s suit every single day for years?

    8. What does Miss Peggy do after she has been from the Muppets?

    9. Why do many TV stations in town turn the Muppets down?

    10. What are Veronica”¦s top two shows right now?

    11. Why didn”¦t Veronica have a show this week?

    12. What do Mary and Sweeturns so that Statler and Waldorf have a home again?

    13. What does Miss Peggy pretend to be when she first comes into the Muppet Theatre?

    14. What new thing does Fozzie come back with?

    15. What do the Muppets have to do if they want to have the show?

    16. Is Tex Richman a reasonable guy/ Why?

    17. Why does the world need the Muppets?

    18. Why doesn”¦t Kermit care whether or not they have an audience?

    19. Where do Gary and Mary have their anniversary dinner finally?

    20. Why does Kermit think the week that preparing for the show is the best week of his life?