Online Reading Quiz (6)
Title: The Muppets ”V The Morie Junior Novel
Author: Katherine Turner
Publisher: Little, Brown And Company
- What are Walter”¦s bedroom walls covered in?
- What is Walter”¦s only goal in life?
- Why does Walter fell sad when he stands in front of the Muppet Studios? (p.15)
- Where does Kermit live?
- What is the only way to save Muppet Studios? How can they do that?
- Why can”¦t Kermit find work for the Muppets?
- What has been worn under Gonzo”¦s suit every single day for years?
- What does Miss Peggy do after she has been from the Muppets?
- Why do many TV stations in town turn the Muppets down?
- What are Veronica”¦s top two shows right now?
- Why didn”¦t Veronica have a show this week?
- What do Mary and Sweeturns so that Statler and Waldorf have a home again?
- What does Miss Peggy pretend to be when she first comes into the Muppet Theatre?
- What new thing does Fozzie come back with?
- What do the Muppets have to do if they want to have the show?
- Is Tex Richman a reasonable guy/ Why?
- Why does the world need the Muppets?
- Why doesn”¦t Kermit care whether or not they have an audience?
- Where do Gary and Mary have their anniversary dinner finally?
- Why does Kermit think the week that preparing for the show is the best week of his life?