Online Reading Quiz (8)

Title: Christina”¦s ghost
Author: Betty Ben Wright
Publisher: Scholastic Canada LTD.

    1. Why did they have to go to grandma”¦s house?

    2. Why could not grandma take care of them?

    3. Where did Christina go finally?

    4. How old was Christina?

    5. How did Uncle Ralph and Christina get along at first?

    6. What was special about the locked room?

    7. What did Christina see in the locked room?

    8. What did Christina do to try to forget about the little boy?

    9. When did the body come?

    10. What made Christina awaken at midnight?

    11. What did grandma suggest Christina do?

    12. What happened 30 years ago?

    13. How did Christina bring Sunshine to Uncle Ralph?

    14. Did Uncle Ralph believe there was a ghost after seeing the boy?

    15. Did Uncle Ralph believe there was a ghost after hearing the footsteps and felling the cold?

    16. What did they plan to do?

    17. Where they think the stamps were hidden?

    18. Where were the stamps really?

    19. How did they escape from the ghost Dixon?

    20. Did they tell their family members about the ghosts?