Online Reading Quiz (9)
Title : The Magician's House
Author : Robin Bell
Publisher : Witman English readers
- Where were the Kings when their uncle asked them to visit Disney World?
- Where could Diana and David get the tickets of Disney World?
- Where was the bus going to?
- What was the driver of the bus?
- What color was the door of the Magician's House?
- What is the name of the magician?
- How many colors were there in the Magician's clothings and accessories?
- What were the colors of the three "EXIT" doors?
- Which door did Dina decide to try first?
- What kind of market did they visit?
- Where did the red door lead to?
- Who was in charge of the Computer Centre?
- Why Diana wanted to have a robot?
- Where did the Kings hide the robot?
- Did Uncle Ralph believe there was a ghost after hearing the footsteps and felling the cold?
- How often did the robot take David's place at school?
- What were Edward's favourite subjects?
- Who usually used the Rotating Robot in the evenings?
- Who first noticed that the Rotating Robot was looking tired?
- What would happen if Diana does well in the special exam?